BLACK FOSTER CUSTOM SURFACE 3 - Ceiling mounted linear lighting profile for downlights _ Arkoslight
Arkoslight > Accessories
IMAGINE PARADISE - Rectified porcelain stoneware wall tiles _ LA FABBRICA AVA
LA FABBRICA AVA > Wall tile-stone-brick
Anne Lounge chair
sofacompany > Armchair
Anne lounge chair is our take on a classic retro 3-seater sofa. The design is round and soft combined with characteristic buttons in the backrest and angled solid wood legs. Anne gives a 1950s look and touch of quality to any space.
Glove Up
molteni > Armchair
Glove-Up is the evolution of a rigorous design theme featuring sinuous moulded and softly linked lines. A balance of forms which from the fluid line of the backrest flows into the lightness of the legs. An inviting chair or small armchair upholstered in fabric or leather make Glove-Up fun and versatile suitable for any classic or contemporary setting.
fontanaarte > Table lamp
Two materials: metal and glass, as in the historic tradition of FontanaArte. The metal acts as a base and contains the light source while the glass, the true protagonist of the project, is expertly worked by skilled craftsmen in a process of fusion between a portion of transparent glass and a satin one from which the light diffuses. Fontanella is formed by the union of two glasses: the internal tube is threaded, sandblasted and finally joined with the bubble-shaped blown glass. What makes the processing particularly refined is the manual joining of the two parts, which requires the skillful technique of a craftsman. Furthermore, the glass, which has always been the material par excellence of the FontanaArte product, is the most crystalline on the market. The use of light bulbs, dimmable and not dimmable, for the biggest energy saving, complete the contemporaneity of this FontanaArte piece.
draenert > Table
KENT ist eine neue spannende Art, einen Tisch zu erleben. Die teilweise asymmetrischen Tischplatten ergeben neue Sitzanord-nungen und eröffnen so neue Perspektiven für die am Tisch sitzenden Gäste. Das Faszinierende an der Idee KENT ist, zuerst spannende asymmetrische Formen zu kreieren, um dann durch gezielt überlegte Anordnungen wiederum ein harmonisches Gleichgewicht zu erzeugen.Die Steinausführungen erscheinen durch die Asymmetrie der Tischplatten fast noch edler und vermitteln durch ihre Maserung und Farbigkeit ein beeindruckendes ästhetisches Erlebnis. Das Tischkonzept öffnet sich, weg von der routinemäßigen Alltäglich-keit von Symmetrie, hin zu neuen inspirierenden und kommuni-kativen Situationen. Zusammen mit dem Unterbau - bestehend aus zwei Halbschalen aus Aluminiumguss - entsteht mit jeder Tischplattenform eine skulpturale Gesamtanmutung, die den KENT sehr leicht und filigran wirken lässt.
Natural Limed Wood
amtico > Floor plank
Detailed grain and fluctuating tones give Natural Limed Wood the authentic look of treated wood
NAKA 1.0 - Outdoor LED die cast aluminium steplight _ L&L Luce&Light
L&L Luce&Light > Functional light
FLEXI LOUNGE FL-XLBR-RA-N1 - Wing swivel fabric armchair with 4-spoke base _ LD Seating
LD Seating > Armchair
ZEN - Low rectangular stainless steel plant pot with automatic watering _ Hobby Flower
Hobby Flower > Accessories
LIMBUS - Sound absorbing freestanding office screen _ Glimakra of Sweden
Glimakra of Sweden > Screens