Policroma Alpi
florim > Wall tile-stone-brick
Recurring geometries, combinations of figures. Marble and marmorino plaster: comparison and dialogue. The collection is completed by a linear listello tile with the motif of a sequence of vertical rectangular blocks, which can be combined with the slabs to further enrich compositions involving continuous ceramic surfaces cladding.<br /><br />"Another reference is the use of Italian marbles on the verge of extinction, rare marbles such as Rosa Valtoce, the marble used in Milan Cathedral."<br />Cristina Celestino Cristina Celestino's smartphone contains a folder of images entitled "Milan". Photographs that are more like notes. Photographs of architectural features, materials or details of shapes encountered by chance during a walk, but they cannot be described as merely a vague "source of inspiration". This filing system, created in response to a fleeting instinct, is an integral part of the method of work adopted by the architect and designer, who starts off without preconceptions "“ or "free", as she puts it before drawing inputs from a vast world of references, from Hermès scarves to the works of the great Masters (in the specific case of Policroma). This accumulation, partly spontaneous and party the outcome of in-depth historical knowledge and study, naturally activates a process of synthesis and personal interpretation common to all Cristina Celestino's output.<br /><br /><br />The wall covering collection designed for Cedit was no exception, although in this case the designer was dealing with a project with variable dimensions, reaching up even to the architectural scale. In her own distinctive way, she combined a variety of references. Adolf Loos's passion for coloured types of marble, and Cipollino in particular. Carlo Scarpa's angular metal frames and Marmorino plaster in Venice. The French fashion house's square silk scarves. The entrance halls of Milan palazzos, Gio Ponti, the city's Cathedral. All expressed in the designer's own language: well balanced geometrical forms, subtle colours (shades similar to those of Scarpa himself), an effortless, almost restrained, playful elegance. The mood is that of the homes of the enlightened bourgeoisie who shaped the history of Milan, Celestino's adoptive city and an endless source of inputs. She has worked its interiors, including some of the least expected a 1928 tram, the historic Cucchi confectionery store hybridising her own style with the existing context. An imitative effect which is also the key to the meaning of the new Policroma collection: the marble varieties replicated using the Cedit technology are all from Italian quarries that are virtually "worked out". This revives an increasingly rare material as a "living" presence, in a different form which makes no claim to replace the natural original. Quite the contrary, Celestino immediately states her intention to imitate, by combining marble and Marmorino plaster in some variants with a contrasting frame (a typical feature for her, just as it was for Scarpa), and evoking the centuries-old marble-imitating scagliola plasterwork with a contemporary formula.<br /><br /><br />The types of marble chosen are central to the project's character. Verde Alpi, a favourite with Gio Ponti and often found in Milan entrance halls, features tightly packed patterning. Breccia Capraia, still found in a very few places in Tuscany, has a white background with just a few veins. Cipollino, in the special Ondulato variety in green and red, is patterned with spirals. Rosa Valtoce, on the other hand, was used by the "Veneranda Fabbrica" guild to build Milan Cathedral. It is an iconic stone with dramatic stripes, popular in the past; it is now sourced from one very small quarry in Piedmont which has been virtually abandoned.<br /> The many different elements that make up the Policroma collection all reflect the importance of craftsmanship to Cristina Celestino's design style: the modules can be freely mixed and combined, for example to create a concave or convex semicircle, or for the large-scale replication of small features initially conceived as trims, functional details transformed into a dominant motif.There is a return to the theme of the interior, a large or small protected space, conceived as suspended in space and time yet also reassuring and protective. It is designed through its coverings in a stark yet not minimalist way, with intelligence and with no overreaching artistic ambitions. An understated space and an extremely stylish declaration. In Milan style, of course.
Tesori Monile grigio
florim > Wallcovering
East and West, a synthesis archieved through Italian taste. «My work often takes me to far-off lands, also remote in terms of their culture and traditions. Even without my being aware of it, I then metabolise these traditions and include them in the designs I subsequently produce.» Matteo Nunziati <p>"It is the architect's task to create a warm, livable space. Carpets are warm and livable. He decides for this reason to spread one carpet on the floor and to hang up four to form the four walls. But you cannot build a house out of carpets. Both the carpet and the floor and the tapestry on the wall required structural frame to hold them in the correct place. To invent this frame is the architect's second task."When Adolf Loos wrote his revolutionary essay on the "principle of cladding" in 1898, architecture was just entering the modern age. Building meant imagining structures capable of putting together different materials, but, Loos affirmed, it must also respect their individual characteristics. "Every material possesses a formal language which belongs to it alone and no material can take on the forms proper to another", the Austrian master therefore maintained. And there is no doubt that the spirit of these words extended throughout most Twentieth Century architecture, regardless of its location or style. When we look at Matteo Nunziati's designs for the CEDIT Tesori collection, we seem to be seeing geometrical purity and attention to detail at the service of a new "truth" of material. Because Matteo Nunziati views ceramics as a form of fabric.<br /> The woven patterns he imagines for the various styles in his collection "“ from Arabian to damask to more geometrical motifs "“ constantly seek to provide the soft, iridescent look of time-worn linen. In them, ceramics are raised from the status of poor relation of marble to become a luxury wall covering in their own right: almost a wallpaper, suitable however for both floors and walls, and an absolutely versatile material. No longer only for beautifying bathrooms, they can create new moods in every room of the house (and elsewhere) starting from the living-room. Naturally, the revolution has been mainly technological. The large slabs produced by CEDIT are more than 3 metres tall, and since they eliminate the serial repetition typical of conventional tiles, they generate a new relationship between the surface and its decoration. However, Nunziati does not use this to create, artist-like, a more eye-catching decorative composition that emphasises the slab's dimensions. Quite the opposite; the patterns he offers us attempt to break down what is left of the boundaries between substrates. In particular, the Arabian and damask styles, in the version with "timeworn" patterning, convey the idea of the ceramic slab as an abstract, almost non-existent material which melts into the decorative motif applied to it, in a kind of pure wall covering.<br /> Through the patient selection of geometrical motifs and tests to verify their suitability for application to ceramic slabs, Nunziati aims to achieve a new material rather than a mere decoration, making this clear by also exploring its tactile dimension, with gouged and relief motifs. His "principle of coverings" therefore relates to ceramics' essence rather than their image: highlighting the versatility which, as we all know, has made ceramics an absolute material, a kind of cement that incorporates structure and finish in a virtually infinite range of applications. This is clearly indicated by the reference to the mashrabiya, a term meaning place where people drink in Arabic, which in Arabian architecture originally referred to the kind of veranda where people used to meet and rest, and over time has come to mean the wooden gratings that screened these places from the sun. Inspired by his trips to the Middle East, for Nunziati the geometric patterns of the mashrabiya become both an outline of his method of work and the form of what in fact becomes the key element in a new idea of space: a real location conceived around a strong, livable surface in which physical substance and decoration overlap to the point where they merge.</p>
Rilievi Salvia
florim > Wall Paint
The alternation and symbiosis between concave and convex, recessed and raised. <p>Rilievi is a work of design balanced between different historic periods: while the volumetric relief tile modules are inspired by artistic experiments conducted in Italy during the Sixties and Seventies, the large slabs are the outcome of research into materials and technology that has only come to fruition in very recent times. The shadow effects generated on the surfaces of the slabs by the light striking the projecting parts of the modules create an unusual impression of architectural depth found virtually nowhere else in ceramic coverings, laying the bases for a new decoration interior design language.</p> This project simply embodies perfection - a term which certainly sets the bar high in a description of a new product for launch on the market. But when an enlightened manufacturer is capable of encapsulating a designer's personal research in a product to be added to its range, the outcome is a perfect synthesis. A perfect synthesis between untrammelled creativity and market trends. CEDIT had the insight needed to perceive, identify and rework the immense potential of Practice Practice Practice "“ a self-produced project by Zaven (Enrica Cavarzan and Marco Zavagno "“ and realised that its sophisticated design, originated by pure, pristine input (unadulterated by external factors except the noblest of them all, research) could provide the basis for an innovative, successful collection. I might add, a collection unique of its kind. Zaven is also a name that comes with guarantees; the two partners are good at what they do. Their work always starts from personal curiosity and investigations, the study of other stories (as in this case inspiration was drawn from the output of artist and activist Nino Caruso) and individual interests, which are broken down, developed, optimised and prepared for transformation into something fresh.Enrica Cavarzan and Marco Zavagno have a masterly ability to transform their own wishes and passions into design work of the greatest breadth and, as we see here, the widest, richest application. Their use of ceramics as a material is clearly outstanding and reflects a method precisely founded on the desire to look at things from an unusual viewpoint, under a different light. And to be daring. Zaven have an unconventional approach to convention. In the specific case of the Rilievi collection, the "modules" created for CEDIT seem to explode off the walls; in fact, they are constructed by combining the two-dimensional slab with its three-dimensional decor.Rilievi seems to be seeking space. More space. Even though these modules have actually established a dialogue with the wall from which they are born. At the same time, they hypnotise us with their tight sequence of lines, the pattern that is always different although its root is the same, and the intriguing, unusual colours that add another vital factor to the finished product. Their firm grounding in graphic design (and here we have come back to two-dimensional effects, of the kind most often associated with a wall covering) easily evolves into a facade which seems to have been carved with a chisel - although this is not the case. These modules are conceived to convey an impression of movement, and the three models, in seven colour combinations, create a powerful effect on a surface, which is never passive but rather an organic contributor to the forms and colours involved in the fascinating combinations. The slab is very much present and has the same worth and status as the relief pattern associated to it. In the light of this dichotomy between the linear and the sculpted, expressed through the skilfully balanced visual expedients, the use of repetition adds vigour to the module's intrinsic meaning. As we have seen, a rejection of facile, superficial creative dynamics in favour of an investigation reaching above and beyond has always been a central, clearly recognisable feature of this Venice-based duo, who already have impressive international partnerships to their credit, including the London Design Festival, the Kalmar Konstmuseum, the Paris Designer Days, Ca' Foscari University, the Venice Biennale, the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, the Sindika Dokolo Foundation and the V-A-C Foundation, and also won the 2018 Wallpaper Design Award. Graphics, advertising and product design: the pair have always opted for a type of design closely linked to the observation of everyday items, followed by their reinterpretation in a version applied to experimentation with materials. This duality, combined with their energetic yet elegant visual language, forms Enrica and Marco's primary code, experienced in this specific context through serial carvings. On walls.
Archeologie Archeologie Bianco
florim > Wall Paint
The poetics of the wall. The forgotten wall. «A wall is like a book to be opened, a journey into the interior, revealing the experiences, memories, signs and symbols which this fragment of masonry has absorbed over the centuries.» Franco Guerzoni <p>It is difficult to resist the beauty of Franco Guerzoni's art, created by a rare harmony of feeling and intellect, poetry and mind. The artist expresses this through paintings which, although complex in structure, are joyous and sensual, with bright colours made, like those of the great masters of the past, from choice powdered ingredients. A painter with a technique rich in traditional skills, Guerzoni offers a version of modernity involving an intense fundamental relationship with his images and with space. In fact, the dialectic between painting and space, form and architecture, time and memory seems to be essential to his art. As his works specifically created for CEDIT clearly express, his creations achieve a perfect balance between the spatial dimension and intensely lyrical use of colour, which here becomes a soft, liquid form of matter, wandering across the surface of a dazzling lime-plaster white. White, metaphor for the clear light of day, as it was in the large, complex canvases exhibited in his personal exhibition at the 1990 Venice Biennale, is the background for forms of colour which renew the pleasure to be had from painting and the memory of an image glimpsed on the vast expanse of the surface. In the more recent works, these voluptuous shades are transformed into subtle shadows of colour that delicately caress the surface.</p> <p> </p> <p> All it takes is one wall, the only surviving wall of what was once a house, on which time has recorded its own, unavoidable passing, leaving traces of colour that is still vibrant, although faded in places, to allow the memory of the image to transpire, fragile and uncertain, in the physicality of the surface, to bear tangible witness to the existence of history, a mysterious visual memory, the extension into the present of the life of things. A memory of the past on a contemporary wall. The idea of memory is central to Franco Guerzoni's poetics: private, secret memory and the collective memory of the past. Fragmentary and indecipherable, perceived by the artist with the aid of what is left of the images, the fragment. A relic of a totality which can no longer be reconstructed but only imagined in poetic terms, the fragment, a fraction of an image conserved by time, guides the artist's fantastic archaeological journey in search of the world's memory. However, this journey takes him in the opposite direction to the archaeologist, for whom the fragment - fundamental because it reveals a trace of the past is the starting-point for an attempt to reconstruct history. For Guerzoni, the fragment is the endpoint of his work, the goal for which he strives in his investigation of the surface, as he digs deep down, leafing through the deposits of time and memory.</p> <p> </p> <p>Like the large pages of a book traced with fragile sketches, embryonic forms whose meaning has been lost in time, leaving only fleeting traces, uncertain, ambiguous, mysterious morphologies. It marks the start of a journey into the mind of the artist-archaeologist, an adventurous journey into the inextricable labyrinth of the mind, to unearth what is hidden, shuffling the cards in a perennial contamination of images, memory, signs and traces, in search of a meaning, which no sooner appears than it is lost, merging into time and once again becoming a dream, an imaginary journey into fantasy and wonder. And this is the case in the tryptic created for CEDIT, which placed a new challenge before the artist: to transfer "his" image, the remains and fragments of a forgotten wall onto a new material for him “stunning, large-sized ceramic slabs“ and a real wall, without this tautology betraying the painting's deep meaning, its fertile magic of lines and colours, from which the image is born. And the artist is fully aware of this. Guerzoni describes his art as a "gamble": a gamble that is a critical test, an act of daring, dangerous and risky. This is the challenge he sets himself. It is a challenge he easily overcomes, expressing himself on these large walls with a rediscovered pleasure in painting, no longer restrained and apparently absorbed by the dense, uneven coloured surface but set free and almost luxuriously accentuated. In his large, demanding works for CEDIT, Guerzoni achieves a new, consummate mode of painting, in which the architecture of the surfaces provides a poetic meeting-point between the two founding components of his style, the complex, well thought-out composition and the lyricism of colour.</p>
Labics Suspension
castrolighting > Ceiling lamp
Encouraged by the powerful Labics Structures that are well-known as an installation consisting of 50 architectural models realized by the studio Labics between 2014 and 2015. This Collection takes inspiration from the abstracted architectural installations of models, which were constructed from an abstract matrix. The Labics Collection allows to express yourself through the lighting aesthetics and decorate boldly. Dynamic lines create an organic movement of subtle brass tubes as straight as arrows, completing the handmade suspension with glass. Assembled over several brass tubes, they have a daring angularity that’s tempered by their masculine matt finish coupled with glass. As the encouragement came from the architecture of buildings, the iconic collection recreated graphic pattern’s ideas on the chandelier. The Collection's highlight? For the determined and adventurous customers, as it gives an impression of brave, strong and unique motives of geometrical silhouettes in the space. These futuristic lighting fixtures symbolically portray the development of modern design and city architecture. The outstanding lighting design can be applied to any interior from modern classic style to contemporary, or mid-century modern. Feel the dynamism of this suspension as the simple geometry of the brass elements complements the refinement of the interior and permits to explore a new kind of energy and charisma. VIEW FULL FAMILY
Euphoria Wall Light
castrolighting > Wall lamp
“Euphoria” symbolizes a feeling of pure happiness, a contemplative state of joy. Converting this idea into a design, the Euphoria Collection combines an elegant set of brass rings with different metal finish options the front of this wall light. This contrast enhances the magnificence of the design, conferring to the living spaces a unique touch of luxury. Gold-plated brass tubes with different diameters married with premium glass result in a subtle, delicate silhouette of the refined modern wall sconce. The elegant Euphoria wall light features the classic shape – the timeless Castro design touch. Euphoria wall sconce brass rings match different metallic finishes, thus can be bespoken in a wide range of well-aligned yet contrasting brass finishes, combining them in a unique manner to create a signature design. Keeping high standards for quality and visuals, this luxurious wall sconce effortlessly fits in different sublime entryways, lavish hall lobbies, and stylish entrances. VIEW FULL FAMILY
Nolan Wall Light
castrolighting > Wall lamp
The Nolan Wall Light represents the beauty of bespoke, showing the ultimate class in brass. Designed to be a delicate yet splendid highlight to the interior design project, it incorporates modern simplicity with an elegant and luxurious twist of art deco style. The clean and sleek lines of this modern wall lamp reveal a fresh take on contemporary refinement in lighting design. The handmade wall sconce resembles an exquisitely balanced curve that twists like a shell, as its gold-plated brass tube is bent by the hands of experienced craftsmen. The wall sconce provides a sophisticated golden glow to the interior space, its warm light is spread in a gentle and delicate way. This lighting piece is perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways. In commercial spaces, like a restaurant or bar, this lighting fixture can create a more romantic and inviting atmosphere. Combine the rigor of the minimal style with the warmth of the handcrafted work and attention to the smallest details. Explore new lighting design solutions and celebrate opportunities to decorate boldly and limitless. VIEW FULL FAMILY
Ravel Wall Light
castrolighting > Wall lamp
Maurice Ravel was a French composer and pianist often associated with Impressionism. This wall light uses the same name and grandeur it offers as the golden brass enhance the luxurious detail within this lighting piece. This golden scheme allows a sophisticated yet dynamic design that stands out in any ambiance, just like Ravel’s music. This lighting wall sconce was created in order to be perfect, functional, and practical. The hammered gold plated brass, allows the light to spread to the surrounding space and creates the perfect ambiance in the area. Ravel Wall Light suits perfectly above a modern console or as a hotel hallway entrance. VIEW FULL FAMILY
Grace Console
castrolighting > Console
This console carries the same beautiful name and charm that is capable to transform any living space into an outstanding one. The Grace console was designed to be an accent furniture décor to provide a luxurious statement to the interior. The classy decorative piece incorporates bespoke brass elements and a tailor-made poplar root veneer wood top. A sophisticated colour combination is smooth yet delicate – it manifests an effortless elegance that is alluring to decorate with and complete a total home look with balance and harmony. This modern design integrates sleek gold-plated brass lines that are intertwined and create a subtle frame for the upper part of the console table. Create a magical vibe with this versatile lifestyle piece, allowing to beautify a room with various decorative settings and refined home accessories. This handmade furniture design is perfect for a hallway, entryway, living room, dining room, bedroom, or dressing room. Bespoke your dreams with the Grace Console as it can be organically customized and become a central piece for all the lavish houses to help achieve the desired timeless chic. VIEW FULL FAMILY
Georg Jubilee Stool
fritzhansen > Stool
The Georg Jubilee Stool was designed to mark 40 years of the Skagerak collection. The jubilee version revives this original expression of the Georg stool in a novel way, equipped with a rare cushion made of natural leather from Sørensen Leather. The cushion is attached with a dainty braided leather strap, while the stool itself is created in FSC-certified untreated oak, known for its clear, light grains and sturdiness. The Georg Jubilee Stool was designed to mark 40 years of the Skagerak collection. The jubilee version revives this original expression of the Georg stool in a novel way, equipped with a rare cushion made of natural leather from Sørensen Leather. The cushion is attached with a dainty braided leather strap, while the stool itself is created in FSC-certified untreated oak, known for its clear, light grains and sturdiness.
Aldus Table
fritzhansen > Table
The Aldus series looks to the trestle table for its design cues. Bearing all the hallmarks of great craftsmanship, pieces fuse traditional techniques and high-quality materials with modern elegance. Designed by the Danish/Swedish furniture designer Chris Liljenberg Halstrøm. The Aldus Table 180 comfortably seats up to six people, making it ideal when space is at a premium. Crafted in oak yet airy in its expression, the gently curved tabletop and trestle-inspired legs offer plenty of room for gatherings.
AJ Cushion
fritzhansen > Sofa
Original patterns designed by Arne Jacobsen weave together past, present and future and decorate these special Fritz Hansen cushions. Very few people know that Arne Jacobsen also designed patterns for textiles, and this new Tassel pattern is a perfect example. The Tassel cushion has a distinctive pattern created mathematically but with a relaxed, irregular look. Irregularities meet beauty in ochre yellow. The cushion textile is knitted wool with polyester filling. The inner cushion is FossFlakes™ which make the cushion keeps its lovely form.
Nordic Serving Tray
fritzhansen > Styling
Nordic Tray is a beautiful and simple solid oak tray with a Nordic look. The circular shape and high edges make it perfect for bowls and dishes. Small rubber feet are placed under the tray, which gives it a floating expression and makes it easy to lift up from the table. Profiling Scandinavian simplicity at its best, the Nordic Tray is crafted in FSC-certified oak, food safe and minimally detailed with a raised edge that ensures whatever you place upon it stays put. It also makes a beautiful platter for fruit or vegetables. Rubber feet ensure stability. Designed by the Danish design studio VE2.
Columbus Chair
fritzhansen > Chair
The Columbus Series takes its design cues from traditional American-style garden chairs. Pared back to a simpler, Scandinavian expression with slatted seats and visible fittings, the series is equally suited to al fresco dining and or relaxing on a sunny terrace or balcony. The Columbus Chair is a versatile addition to any outdoor space. Crafted in FSC-certified teak, the backrest adjusts its position by lifting the arms, allowing you to sit comfortably upright at the table or recline in the sun.
Aeon Rocket™
fritzhansen > Ceiling lamp
Aeon Rocket by Morten Voss is a series of beautiful, harmonious and striking pendants. This is the first pendant in history to take full advantage of the luminous qualities of metal and polypropylene in a single design. The simple upper shade ensures plenty of light downwards, while the lower shade in polypropylene illuminates and diffuses the light. The gauzy lower shade consists of 8 long bands, carefully woven together to create round openings, allowing the light to stream through unhindered. Suspending the lamp from on high allows you to take advantage of the matching diffuser to prevent the light source from being visible.
marmoleum concrete Arctic
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete Pluto
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete dust
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete orange shimmer
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete loam
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete Sirius
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum concrete yellow shimmer
forbo > Synthetic Floor
The looks of a modern concrete floor with the warmth and naturalness of Marmoleum.The Marmoleum Concrete design differentiates itself from classic Marmoleum flooring with its subtle concrete structure. Adaptive and versatile to the latest trends while staying true to its nature.The colour palette of the Marmoleum Concrete collection is neutral with soft and muted tones and includes 4 neutral concretes with a flash of colour that shimmers through the surface. Ideal to combine with a painted wall or an accent colour for the floor to create a powerful accent in your design.All Marmoleum Solid colours can be ordered in a 3.5 mm Marmoleum Decibel construction.
marmoleum click eternity
forbo > Synthetic Floor
Our Marmoleum Click panels are very durable and simple to care for. The smooth surface is easy to clean while its beautiful colours won't fade over time. Marmoleum Click is available in 23 colours and 3 panel sizes, which offers great design opportunities to create your own unique floor.
marmoleum click moon
forbo > Synthetic Floor
Our Marmoleum Click panels are very durable and simple to care for. The smooth surface is easy to clean while its beautiful colours won't fade over time. Marmoleum Click is available in 23 colours and 3 panel sizes, which offers great design opportunities to create your own unique floor.
marmoleum click nebula
forbo > Synthetic Floor
Our Marmoleum Click panels are very durable and simple to care for. The smooth surface is easy to clean while its beautiful colours won't fade over time. Marmoleum Click is available in 23 colours and 3 panel sizes, which offers great design opportunities to create your own unique floor.
marmoleum click Pacific beaches
forbo > Synthetic Floor
Our Marmoleum Click panels are very durable and simple to care for. The smooth surface is easy to clean while its beautiful colours won't fade over time. Marmoleum Click is available in 23 colours and 3 panel sizes, which offers great design opportunities to create your own unique floor.
sphera element Contrast black
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element clay
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element shell
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element light moss
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element reef green
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element kelp
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element lavender grey
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element lagoon
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element light peach
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
sphera element peach
forbo > Floor plank
The widest and most complete colour offerSphera Element has the most complete colour proposition in the market and its subtle design is ideal for use in areas where the floor is required to blend in with the environment. Sphera Element is used in a wide variety of applications, including specific areas in healthcare and industrial environments.The Element colour palette consists of 52 colours. The carefully selected outspoken pastels and bright accent colours are ideal for areas requiring zoning or to create an authentic and welcoming interior. The 9 Contrast designs have a more pronounced pattern and a higher contrast between the three colour components. • Many colours with high LRV values• Excellent dirt hiding and scratch resistant properties• Approved for use in cleanrooms up to ISO class 4• Perfect solution for care and cure spaces, public buildings and education facilities
tessera infused magic mood
forbo > Carpet
An unique fusion of naturally inspired elements, Tessera Infused combines soft organic patterning with natural structures, designed to encourage collaboration and well-being in any scheme.The Tessera Infused loop pile carpet tile collection meets the need for flexible, practical and adaptable solutions for the design of workspaces. The colours of the patterned multi pile height tiles create a usable large-scale organic design that encourages collaboration and well-being in the workplace and creates innovative and productive environments.Infused carpet tiles join Harmony and Accord as part of the Union collection.
tessera infused whimsy wood
forbo > Carpet
An unique fusion of naturally inspired elements, Tessera Infused combines soft organic patterning with natural structures, designed to encourage collaboration and well-being in any scheme.The Tessera Infused loop pile carpet tile collection meets the need for flexible, practical and adaptable solutions for the design of workspaces. The colours of the patterned multi pile height tiles create a usable large-scale organic design that encourages collaboration and well-being in the workplace and creates innovative and productive environments.Infused carpet tiles join Harmony and Accord as part of the Union collection.
levantina > Table
LEVANTINA presents Techlam®, the new porcelain tile that, due to its large format and minimal thickness, is revolutionizing the interior design and architectural sectors. We offer new colors and textures that can transform any atmosphere into a world of extreme beauty. Design and avant-garde combine to create an explosion of colors and textures, hand-in-hand with the most exquisite elegance. A porcelain product that fascinates with its sophisticated nuances that reach their fullest meaning through their unique qualities, exclusive to thin, large-format ceramic. Techlam® is synonymous with quality, elegance and sophistication. It sets a new standard for porcelain products, capable of creating spaces that are loaded with personality and simply unique. With its extensive range of colors and its aesthetic possibilities, this cladding, versatile like few others, is capable of satisfying the most demanding architectural and decorative needs, in new builds and renovations alike. A hi-tech solution for floors, walls, countertops, furniture and facades, where it is possible to create a conceptualisation of integral projects using a single ceramic material. Many collections which make up an endless world of possibilities to discover, all equally heady and captivating. Subtle and evocative and fit for the most luxurious settings, they show off a surprising aesthetic style that includes collections for minimalist spaces as well as ranges with a greater decorative twist.
Grid Fauteuil withtout armrest - Grey/Black
petitefriture > Chair
In 2015 Pool designed the Grid daybed, in reference to the Bauhaus style and in honour of the graphic talents. In 2016 Pool develop the concept and transformed grid into an all-modular system by creating basic modules: a simple armchair, a corner armchair, a stool and coffee table now join the range to complement the two seater sofa. They can all be connected by a simple attaching system in order to create a number of configurations: 3 seater sofa, a corner sofa, a loveseat… to suit your every whim. Each element retains the identity of the original daybed: a strapped wooden structure help up by a black tubular steel leg; all topped with geometrically patterned square or round fabric leather cushions.
Wallpaper Les Crafties - Mosaique / Red
petitefriture > Wallpaper
Three stories, three narratives, three patterns: Gaufrettes: inspired by the suppleness of fabric, it is one of the Crafties' signature pieces. Mosaïque: a tribute to Maison Picassiette, a house entirely made of mosaic fragments. Croisillon: inspired by cane weaving. Patterns used by the Crafties are indicative of a fascination for printing techniques found in micropublishing, in particular: risographs. The technique involves the application of successive layers (just one colour per layer) that are added atop each other to reveal the final pattern. With the design comes additional inspiration: textiles. Materials that the duo can harness to create a narrative in space through the use of wallpapers, coverings, custom-made textile decorations, fabric frescoes. Read more
Quasar portable lamp - Emerald green
petitefriture > Table lamp
A contraction of ‘quasi-stellar’, the Quasar portable lamp lights up your world with its three different hues (warm, neutral, and cold white). In scientific terminology, a Quasar is a star-like body that is considered to be the brightest of all. Its circular appearance and its light properties inspired Samy Rio and Petite Friture as they worked on their first wireless lamp. Quasar is a cordless lamp with a sleek, fun style. Built using LED technology, this lamp guarantees bright, sustainable, and environmentally friendly lighting. Equipped with a dimmer that can be set to three different intensities, Quasar adapts to whatever mood you are seeking to create. Its long-lasting battery can last up to 12 hours non-stop between charges. Read more
Week-end Week-End Trolley - Blush Studio Brichet-Ziegler
petitefriture > Styling
This trolley from Studio BRICHETZIEGLER's WEEK-END collection combines elegance and utility. Its rounded top and edges give it a distinctive and resolutely modern aesthetic. Its unique design and practicality share a sense of timelessness, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Made of aluminum, the trolley is as robust as it is lightweight. All trolleys are water and UV resistant, are suited for use by the ocean. Elevate your outdoor space with the sleek and versatile trolley and complement it with a sofa and coffee table set to create a captivating lounge-bar ambiance in your garden oasis.
Week-end Week-End Trolley - Jade green Studio Brichet-Ziegler
petitefriture > Styling
This trolley from Studio BRICHETZIEGLER's WEEK-END collection combines elegance and utility. Its rounded top and edges give it a distinctive and resolutely modern aesthetic. Its unique design and practicality share a sense of timelessness, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Made of aluminum, the trolley is as robust as it is lightweight. All trolleys are water and UV resistant, are suited for use by the ocean. Elevate your outdoor space with the sleek and versatile trolley and complement it with a sofa and coffee table set to create a captivating lounge-bar ambiance in your garden oasis.
Week-end Week-End Trolley - Blue pigeon Studio Brichet-Ziegler
petitefriture > Styling
This trolley from Studio BRICHETZIEGLER's WEEK-END collection combines elegance and utility. Its rounded top and edges give it a distinctive and resolutely modern aesthetic. Its unique design and practicality share a sense of timelessness, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Made of aluminum, the trolley is as robust as it is lightweight. All trolleys are water and UV resistant, are suited for use by the ocean. Elevate your outdoor space with the sleek and versatile trolley and complement it with a sofa and coffee table set to create a captivating lounge-bar ambiance in your garden oasis.
TIDE - LED aluminium wall lamp _ Rotaliana
Rotaliana > Wall lamp
The Tide collection by Rotaliana introduces an indirect emission aluminum lamp characterized by its thin and sinuous geometry, translating into visual and structural lightness while providing a very high light flow. ROTALIANA.IT Finishes, Colors, and Materials Crafted from high-quality aluminum, the Tide lamp is available in a variety of finishes to suit diverse interior aesthetics: Standard Finish: Matt White Satin Collection (available upon request): Graphite Royal Gold Silver Dark Bronze Matt Black Bronze Champagne Kerakoll Warm Collection (available upon request): Sand Rope Color Dove-gray Coffee These diverse finishes allow interior designers to select the perfect hue to complement various design themes, from minimalist to luxurious. Dimensions The Tide W0 wall lamp has the following dimensions: Width: 24 cm Height: 16 cm Depth: 12.1 cm Its compact size makes it suitable for both small and large spaces, providing flexibility in placement. Applications The elegant and minimalist design of the Tide lamp makes it versatile for various settings: Residential Spaces: Ideal for living rooms, bedrooms, and hallways, offering ambient lighting that enhances the home's atmosphere. Hospitality Venues: Perfect for hotels and restaurants, creating a welcoming and sophisticated environment for guests. Workspaces and Offices: Provides a professional yet stylish lighting solution, contributing to a productive work environment. Design and Style The Tide lamp features a minimalist and modern design, characterized by its thin and sinuous geometry. This sleek form factor not only adds a touch of elegance to any space but also ensures that the lamp integrates seamlessly with various interior styles, from contemporary to classic. Lighting Characteristics Equipped with high-efficiency LED technology, the Tide W0 wall lamp provides indirect lighting, creating a soft and ambient glow. The light sources are completely hidden within the die-cast aluminum body, ensuring a clean and uncluttered appearance. With a power consumption of 34W, it delivers 3,400 lumens at color temperatures of 2,700K or 3,000K, making it both energy-efficient and effective in illuminating spaces. Alternative Options For those seeking alternative designs within the Rotaliana brand, the String collection offers a different aesthetic while maintaining the quality and efficiency associated with Rotaliana products. Additionally, the Dresscode series provides a more traditional design with modern functionality, catering to diverse stylistic preferences. In summary, the Tide collection by Rotaliana combines elegant design with high functionality, making it a valuable addition to various interior environments. Its minimalist aesthetic, durable materials, and efficient lighting capabilities cater to the needs of interior designers and homeowners alike, ensuring spaces are both beautifully illuminated and stylishly appointed
Cosmo 1501 Sofa by Et al. – Modern Comfort with Timeless Design
Et al. > Sofa
Cosmo Sofa by Et al. – Modern Comfort with Timeless Design The Cosmo Sofa (Model 1501) by Et al., available through FM Design Elements, is a sophisticated addition to the Cosmo collection. Designed to merge style, comfort, and versatility, this sofa is perfect for both indoor and outdoor environments, making it a fantastic choice for hospitality, residential, and commercial spaces. Material and Finishes The Cosmo Sofa is constructed with a powder-coated tubular metal frame, offering superior durability and sleek aesthetics. The frame supports removable padded cushions, which are crafted for both style and comfort. The cushions are available in a wide range of fabrics, including water-resistant and stain-resistant options, making them ideal for diverse applications. The fabric options include: Classic indoor textiles for a cosy and warm look. Outdoor fabrics with weather-resistant properties, perfect for patios, lounges, or terraces. The clean and modern finish options on the frame make it adaptable to minimalist, Scandinavian, and contemporary interiors. Design and Style This sofa features a minimalist silhouette with bold lines, blending modern aesthetics with functional comfort. Its plush cushions and ergonomic proportions ensure relaxation, while the sturdy frame guarantees durability. The design is inspired by Scandinavian simplicity, combined with Italian craftsmanship, to create a piece that is elegant yet approachable. Key design highlights: Ergonomic support: Comfortable seating for extended lounging. Compact yet spacious: Seats up to two comfortably without overwhelming the space. Modern versatility: Suitable for hospitality lounges, hotel lobbies, residential living areas, or outdoor terraces. Dimensions The Cosmo Sofa offers generous proportions to enhance comfort while fitting effortlessly into most spaces: Width: 174 cm Depth: 88 cm Height: 80 cm Seat Height: 44 cm These dimensions make it an ideal choice for small and medium-sized rooms, outdoor areas, or commercial spaces like waiting areas. Applications The Cosmo Sofa is ideal for: Hospitality projects: Perfect for hotel lounges, poolside areas, or boutique spaces. Commercial settings: Adds sophistication to office reception areas or coworking spaces. Residential use: Comfortable enough for living rooms and outdoor patios. Public areas: Stands out in lobbies or event spaces. Accessories and Alternatives The Cosmo Sofa pairs beautifully with other pieces in the Cosmo collection, such as the Cosmo Easy Chair or matching coffee tables. Its modular design allows it to integrate seamlessly into a variety of setups. For a cohesive outdoor seating arrangement, pair it with complementary loungers or benches. Looking for alternatives? Et al. also offers a range of modern lounge furniture in similar styles, including modular seating systems and stackable chairs for additional flexibility. 2D and 3D Files Available Design professionals can take advantage of downloadable 2D and 3D files to streamline the planning process. These files are available to ensure easy integration of the Cosmo Sofa into architectural and interior design projects. Why Choose the Cosmo Sofa? Durability and practicality: Powder-coated frame and high-quality materials ensure long-lasting performance. Customisable comfort: A wide selection of cushion fabrics to suit specific needs and environments. Indoor-outdoor versatility: Perfect for both contemporary interiors and stylish outdoor spaces. Aesthetic flexibility: The modern design and clean lines make it suitable for Scandinavian, minimalist, and contemporary styles. Eco-friendly construction: Designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating recyclable
COSMO 1506 Sofa: A Modern Two-Seater Masterpiece
Et al. > Sofa
COSMO 1506 Sofa: A Modern Two-Seater Masterpiece The COSMO 1506 sofa, designed by Philippe Tabet for Et al., epitomizes contemporary elegance and versatility. This two-seater sofa, devoid of armrests, seamlessly integrates into various interior settings, including residential living rooms, hotel lounges, office waiting areas, and upscale retail spaces. Design and Dimensions The COSMO 1506 boasts a sleek and minimalist design, characterized by its armless structure and plush upholstery. Its dimensions are thoughtfully crafted to provide comfort while maintaining a compact footprint: Width: 150 cm Depth: 88 cm Height: 80 cm Seat Height: 44 cm These proportions make it an ideal choice for both spacious and limited areas, offering ample seating without overwhelming the space. Materials and Finishes Crafted with precision, the COSMO 1506 features: Frame: Constructed from durable steel tubing, ensuring stability and longevity. Upholstery: Available in a diverse range of high-quality fabrics, including options like Melva, Fortis, Inca, Medley Gabriel, Chili Gabriel, Mirage, Convert, Fenice, Mood Gabriel, Valencia, Fabthirthy Rubelli, Ocean Mastrotto, and Remix 3 Kvadrat, each offering multiple color choices to suit various design aesthetics. Frame Finishes: The steel frame can be customized in various finishes, such as White Aluminium (NCS S4000-N VR), Jet Black (NCS S9000-N VR), Coral Red (NCS S3060-Y80R), Matt Jet Black (NCS S9000-N VR), Rough Metallic Bronze (VR), Curry (NCS S3060-Y), Olive Green (NCS S7020-G50Y), Water Blue (NCS S4050-B40G), Capri Blue (NCS S6030-B), Brown (NCS S8005-Y20R), Traffic White (NCS S0502-B VR), Marsala (NCS S4040-R), Pewter (VR), Pure White (NCS S0500-N VR), and Anthracite Grey (NCS S7502-B VR), allowing for seamless integration into any interior color scheme. Functional Accessories To enhance its functionality, the COSMO 1506 can be equipped with optional accessories: Kidney Cushion: Provides additional lumbar support for increased comfort. Reading Lamp: An integrated light source suitable for reading or creating ambient lighting. USB Socket: Convenient for charging electronic devices, making it suitable for modern living and working environments. Schuko Socket: Offers an additional power outlet for various needs. These accessories make the sofa a practical choice for both relaxation and productivity. Applications and Versatility The COSMO 1506's adaptable design makes it suitable for a variety of settings: Residential Spaces: Ideal for living rooms or bedrooms, adding a touch of modern elegance. Hospitality Environments: Perfect for hotel lobbies, guest rooms, or lounge areas, offering comfort and style to guests. Office and Waiting Areas: Enhances reception spaces or private offices with its sleek design and optional functional accessories. Retail Spaces: Complements boutique stores or showrooms, providing a comfortable seating option for customers. Complementary Products The COSMO collection includes various seating solutions that can be paired with the 1506 sofa to create cohesive interior designs. Options include the COSMO 1505 armchair, the COSMO 1502 three-seater sofa, and modular systems like the COSMO 1520, allowing for flexible configurations to suit different spaces and requirements. Key Features Modern Aesthetic: Clean lines and armless design contribute to a minimalist and contemporary look. Customizable Finishes: Wide range of upholstery fabrics and frame finishes to match specific design requirements. Optional Accessories: Functional add-ons like reading lamps and USB sockets enhance usability. Compact Dimensions: Suitable for both large and small spaces without compromising on comfort. High-Quality Construction: Durable materials ensure longevity and sustained aesthetic appeal.
ARI 1314 - Square steel coffee table _ Et al.
Et al. > Side table
Ari 1314 Coffee Table Module: Seamless Integration for Modern Spaces The Ari 1314 coffee table module, designed by Philippe Nigro for Et al., is a versatile addition to the Ari modular seating system. Its minimalist design and functional dimensions make it suitable for various environments, including residential living rooms, hotel lounges, office waiting areas, and outdoor settings. Design and Dimensions The Ari 1314 features a sleek steel frame supporting a 70x70 cm high-pressure laminate (HPL) top, offering both durability and elegance. Its height of 19 cm ensures a low-profile presence that complements the seating modules within the Ari collection. ET AL. Materials and Finishes Crafted with precision, the Ari 1314 offers a range of customization options to suit various design aesthetics: Frame: Constructed from durable steel tubing, ensuring stability and longevity. Top: Made from high-quality HPL laminate, known for its resistance to wear and ease of maintenance. Frame Finishes: The steel frame can be customized in various finishes, such as White Aluminium (NCS S4000-N VR), Jet Black (NCS S9000-N VR), Coral Red (NCS S3060-Y80R), Matt Jet Black (NCS S9000-N VR), Rough Metallic Bronze (VR), Curry (NCS S3060-Y), Olive Green (NCS S7020-G50Y), Water Blue (NCS S4050-B40G), Capri Blue (NCS S6030-B), Brown (NCS S8005-Y20R), Traffic White (NCS S0502-B VR), Marsala (NCS S4040-R), Pewter (VR), Pure White (NCS S0500-N VR), and Anthracite Grey (NCS S7502-B VR), allowing for seamless integration into any interior or exterior color scheme. ET AL. Applications and Versatility The Ari 1314's design makes it suitable for a variety of settings: Residential Spaces: Ideal for living rooms or patios, adding a touch of modern elegance. Hospitality Environments: Perfect for hotel lobbies, guest rooms, or lounge areas, offering functionality and style to guests. Office and Waiting Areas: Enhances reception spaces or private offices with its sleek design and compatibility with other Ari modules. Outdoor Settings: Designed to withstand outdoor conditions, making it suitable for terraces and garden areas. Complementary Products The Ari collection includes various modules that can be paired with the 1314 coffee table to create cohesive seating arrangements. Options include the Ari 1300 linear module, the Ari 1311 corner module, and the Ari 1313 pouf, allowing for flexible configurations to suit different spaces and requirements. Key Features Modular Design: Allows for customizable arrangements to fit various spaces. Modern Aesthetic: Clean lines and minimalist design contribute to a contemporary look. Customizable Finishes: Wide range of frame finishes to match specific design requirements. High-Quality Construction: Durable materials ensure longevity and sustained aesthetic appeal.
SPACE+ 1405A - Corner fabric armchair high-back _ Et al.
Et al. > Armchair
Space Plus 1405 Corner Seating Module: A Modular Solution for Flexible Layouts The Space Plus 1405 Corner Seating Module from Et al.'s Space Plus collection is designed to enhance modular seating arrangements with a functional and stylish corner piece. Its compact dimensions and clean lines make it ideal for creating versatile configurations in public, corporate, and hospitality spaces. Design and Dimensions The Space Plus 1405 Corner Module is crafted to fit seamlessly into modular layouts, connecting other seating units in a cohesive arrangement. Its dimensions are: Height: 100 cm Width: 70 cm Depth: 70 cm Seat Height: 47 cm Seat Depth: 61.5 cm Its square profile and ergonomic design ensure comfort and practicality while maintaining a sleek aesthetic. Materials and Finishes The module is built with high-quality materials and offers a range of customisation options to fit various design needs: Frame: Made from robust metal for durability and stability. Upholstery: Choose from a wide selection of high-performance fabrics, including stain-resistant and easy-to-maintain options. Colours range from neutral tones to bold, vibrant shades to suit any space. Base Finish: Available in finishes such as matte black, metallic tones, or white to complement your design scheme. Features Corner Functionality: Designed to connect and integrate seamlessly with other Space Plus modules for flexible layouts. Compact Design: Optimises space while providing ample comfort. Modular Compatibility: Can be paired with linear and high-back modules for diverse configurations. Comfortable Seating: Padded seat and backrest offer ergonomic support for long periods of use. Applications The Space Plus 1405 Corner Module is ideal for various settings: Hospitality: Create sophisticated lounge areas, hotel lobbies, or VIP seating zones. Corporate Offices: Use in reception areas, breakout spaces, or collaborative work environments. Public Spaces: Perfect for shopping malls, airports, or healthcare waiting areas. Dining Settings: Adds versatility to booth or communal seating arrangements in restaurants and cafés. Customisation Options To suit specific project requirements, Et al. offers several enhancements for the Space Plus 1405: Privacy Panels: Add-ons to create secluded seating zones. Integrated USB Ports: Functional upgrades for tech-friendly spaces. Attachable Tables: Practical for workspace or dining purposes. Sustainability and Durability The Space Plus 1405 module is manufactured using environmentally friendly materials and processes. Upholstery options include recycled fabrics, making it a sustainable choice for modern interiors. Complementary Products This corner module pairs seamlessly with other items in the Space Plus collection: Linear Seating Modules: For straight or multi-directional layouts. Ottomans and Poufs: Add flexibility and functionality to the arrangement. Matching Coffee Tables: Provide additional utility and cohesion in design. Key Features Corner module design for modular seating flexibility. Durable construction for high-traffic environments. Customisable finishes and fabrics to suit diverse interiors. Compact and ergonomic for efficient space utilisation.