AIGUE-MARINE - Linen upholstery fabric _ CASAMANCE

AIGUE-MARINE - Linen upholstery fabric _ CASAMANCE


chira - 8053.24

chira - 8053.24

vescom > Curtain

fine transparency with subtle vertical effect

VEROSAFE 12264-24

VEROSAFE 12264-24

verotex > Curtain

GUADIANA - Striped fabric _ Aldeco

GUADIANA - Striped fabric _ Aldeco

Aldeco > Curtain

tula - 8081.14

tula - 8081.14

vescom > Curtain

subtle coloured melange structure in a dry wooly look and feel

VEROSAFE 12264-2

VEROSAFE 12264-2

verotex > Curtain

toby - 8088.09

toby - 8088.09

vescom > Curtain

floor-to-ceiling natural, irregular matte curtain fabric woven with a bouclé yarn made of 85% recycled plastic waste

VEROFLEX 3227-18

VEROFLEX 3227-18

verotex > Curtain

ELITE CHAIN CONTROL - Dimming roller blind _ Mv Line

ELITE CHAIN CONTROL - Dimming roller blind _ Mv Line

Mv Line > Curtain



verotex > Curtain

VEROSAFE 12412-28

VEROSAFE 12412-28

verotex > Curtain

sindo - 8027.06

sindo - 8027.06

vescom > Curtain

lightly blended unpatterned curtain fabric in 100% flame retardant polyester

teon - 8085.08

teon - 8085.08

vescom > Curtain

soft two-tonal floor-to-ceiling curtain fabric in a large scale open grid construction

bedra - 8059.33

bedra - 8059.33

vescom > Curtain

unpatterned curtain fabric, dim out

VEROSAFE 12344-48

VEROSAFE 12344-48

verotex > Curtain

VEROFLEX 3208-18

VEROFLEX 3208-18

verotex > Curtain

formoza - 8026.11

formoza - 8026.11

vescom > Curtain

fabric in which thicker yarns have been woven that provide structure and volume

BLOOMING - Fabric with floral pattern _ Aldeco

BLOOMING - Fabric with floral pattern _ Aldeco

Aldeco > Curtain

VEROSAFE 12407-8

VEROSAFE 12407-8

verotex > Curtain

moroni - 8060.06

moroni - 8060.06

vescom > Curtain

fine-weave, unpatterned curtain fabric in black-out design

VEROSAFE 12121-203

VEROSAFE 12121-203

verotex > Curtain



verotex > Curtain

VEROFLEX 3208-17

VEROFLEX 3208-17

verotex > Curtain

MANDALA - Fabric _ Aldeco

MANDALA - Fabric _ Aldeco

Aldeco > Curtain

teon - 8085.03

teon - 8085.03

vescom > Curtain

soft two-tonal floor-to-ceiling curtain fabric in a large scale open grid construction

naltar - 8083.16

naltar - 8083.16

vescom > Curtain

double weave with a vertical organic 3D rib structure in tonal shades

SOFFIO - Fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

SOFFIO - Fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

Rubelli > Curtain

SUPERIMPOSITION - Fabric for curtains _ Zimmer + Rohde

SUPERIMPOSITION - Fabric for curtains _ Zimmer + Rohde

Zimmer + Rohde > Curtain

moroni - 8060.10

moroni - 8060.10

vescom > Curtain

fine-weave, unpatterned curtain fabric in black-out design



verotex > Curtain

SIMPLICITER - Linen fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

SIMPLICITER - Linen fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

Rubelli > Curtain

chira - 8053.16

chira - 8053.16

vescom > Curtain

fine transparency with subtle vertical effect

VEROGLIM 4100-911

VEROGLIM 4100-911

verotex > Curtain

marmara - 8025.10

marmara - 8025.10

vescom > Curtain

mat unpatterned fabric with a glossy reverse side; can be used on both sides

delos - 8082.12

delos - 8082.12

vescom > Curtain

allover 3D structured weave with a two-tonal coloured, sheen yarn effect

VEROSAFE 12264-20

VEROSAFE 12264-20

verotex > Curtain

VEROGLIM 4014-125

VEROGLIM 4014-125

verotex > Curtain

RAGTIME - Solid-color fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

RAGTIME - Solid-color fabric for curtains _ Rubelli

Rubelli > Curtain