The sound absorbing house can be used as an individual work station, a small sit or stand meeting room or a relax zone with The Hut Sofa. The house's simple and straight lines are inspired by the classic Monoply game and it's pieces, which gives a timeless shape for the popular and practical "room within a room" concept.Sound absorbing. Has front screens. Has cable channel for lamp, lamp purchased separately. Designed by Workspace; realized and producced by Gotessons. Measurements in the list are out measurements, see drawing for more. Available in a smaller version, see Half a Hut with front screens.The Hut with Front Screens Sound absorbing inside and outside. Connected with click system. With cable channel. Dressed on both sides with: e.g. Lido 200 (132 toned). Total thickness: 40 mm. Outer measurements: W. 1880 H.2270 D.1860. Outer measurements: W. 1800 H.2220 D.1760. For customized measurements, contact Götessons. Certificate (valid 2019-06-03): SS-EN 1023 Stability test, ISO 354 Absorption and SS 25269 N10 value = 1 For updated information, see:
Product sheet - 904fd337-f055-4165-8508-7e8c8122cbac
mobelfakta_the_hut_se.pdf - MOBELFAKTA_THE_HUT_SE.pdf
mobelfakta_the_hut_eng.pdf - MOBELFAKTA_THE_HUT_ENG.pdf
iso354_absorption_hut%20frontscreen_door_%20half_a_hut_honey_hang_over_large_eng.pdf - ISO354_Absorption_Hut%20frontscreen_door_%20Half_A_Hut_Honey_Hang_Over_Large_ENG.pdf
iso354_absorption_hut%20frontva%cc%88gg_do%cc%88rr_%20half_a_hut_honey_hang_over_large.pdf - ISO354_Absorption_Hut%20frontva%CC%88gg_do%CC%88rr_%20Half_A_Hut_Honey_Hang_Over_Large.pdf
3004-b_sustainability declaration.pdf - 3004-B_hallbarhetsdeklaration.pdf
110800_Drawing.pdf - 110800_ritning.PDF
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